Mitigation of the hydraulic risk in the village of La California, Municipality of Bibbona (LI): improvement of the existing expansion tank on the left side of the Fosso della Madonna, adjustments and new hydraulic works

The design was based on hydraulic modelling with a one-dimensional coupled vario-motion scheme, in the current and project state. The interventions identified lead to a functional adaptation of the expansion box and the reduction of the hydraulic risk downstream, i.e. at the La California settlement. The intervention, also defined with embankment infiltration verifications, determines a considerable amount of excavated and moved material in the site area, for a final null balance of the soil. The project was subjected to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which concluded with the exclusion of the EIA.

CLIENT: Consorzio di Bonifica 5 Toscana Costa
DATE: 2021-in corso
CONTRACT: 2.500.000 €