General Assembly Meeting

General Assembly Meeting

In 16 December, the members of the Cooperative D.R.E.Am. Italia met for their general assembly at the premises of Officine Capodarno in Pratovecchio Stia (AR). During the meeting, the Administrative Council presented the Preliminary Balance Sheet for 2022 and the...
Investiamo sulla crescita professionale: corso Project Management

Investiamo sulla crescita professionale: corso Project Management

Investing in professional growth: Project Management course Weekly online training appointment for D.R.E.Am. Italia technicians. Every Wednesday afternoon more than 30 technicians connect on the online platform to follow the lessons given by the General Director...
AIB Dream Italia management sets the standard

AIB Dream Italia management sets the standard

Masterfuego, a Spanish master on forest fires, will be visiting the Centro Addestramento Antincendi Boschiivi ‘La Pineta’ on 21 October to observe the Region of Tuscany’s good practices and Dream’s work in terms of forecasting, prevention and...