D.R.E.Am. Italia is a cooperative company based in Tuscany, active for more than 40 years on the national and international territory, oriented to support a sustainable development of the territory through the realisation of complex projects and consultancy in the field of natural resource management.

The staff is characterised by a high professional profile and operates in the entire environmental sector, in particular agronomy, forestry, engineering, hydrology, geology, biology, ecology and topography, and is capable of tackling articulated and multidisciplinary projects.


D.R.E.Am. Italia è una società cooperativa con sede in Toscana, attiva da oltre 40 anni sul territorio nazionale e internazionale, orientata a supportare uno sviluppo sostenibile del territorio attraverso la realizzazione di progetti complessi e consulenze nel campo della gestione delle risorse naturali.

Lo staff è caratterizzato da un alto profilo professionale e opera sull’intero settore ambientale, in particolare agronomico, forestale, ingegneristico, idrologico, geologico, biologico, ecologico e topografico, ed è capace di affrontare progettualità articolate e multidisciplinari.

Years of Experience


Employees and Collaborators

Turnover in 2023

Works in progress


D.R.E.Am. Italy becomes an authorised dealer of PigBrig traps

D.R.E.Am. Italy becomes an authorised dealer of PigBrig traps

PigBrig is the simplest and most effective wild boar trapping system developed to date. Made in the USA, it is now also accessible in Italy thanks to D.R.E.Am, the sole authorised retailer in Italy who, in addition to sales, also provides training for the first field...



Care and management
of Urban Green

Pianificazione forestry
and wildlife planning

Monitoring and
Nature Conservation

Forest Firefighting
and Civil Protection


Consultancy for agricultural
and forestry enterprises


Agronomic services and assessments
of Community Funding


D.R.E.Am. Italia has a Quality Management System compliant with the requirements of UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 (ISO 9001:2015) and has been certified since June 2000 by DNV (Det Norke Veritas) for “Planning and monitoring in the agro-forestry and wildlife sectors. Planning of hydraulic, forestry, redevelopment and environmental requalification works. Planning and provision of training services in the agro-forestry, wildlife and environmental sectors for public bodies.”

Certificate no. CERT-06917-2000-AQ-FLR-SINCERT

Pratovecchio sede legale
Via Garibaldi, 3 -52015 Pratovecchio Stia (AR)
Tel. (+39) 0575 529514
Fax (+39) 0575 529565
E-mail: segreteria-ar@dream-italia.it

Via Enrico Bindi n. 14 – 51100
Tel. (+39) 0573 365967 Fax: (+39) 0573 34714
E-mail: segreteria-pt@dream-italia.it

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