MOOC registration open: the free Course on Resilience Resilience for Mediterranean landscapes: impacts and solutions to climate hazards for forestry and agriculture

MOOC registration open: the free Course on Resilience Resilience for Mediterranean landscapes: impacts and solutions to climate hazards for forestry and agriculture

  The resilience for Mediterranean landscapes MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is a groundbreaking online course developed as part of the ResAlliance Project. This free and accessible resource addresses the growing challenges of climate hazards in the...

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D.R.E.Am. Italy becomes an authorised dealer of PigBrig traps

D.R.E.Am. Italy becomes an authorised dealer of PigBrig traps

PigBrig is the simplest and most effective wild boar trapping system developed to date. Made in the USA, it is now also accessible in Italy thanks to D.R.E.Am, the sole authorised retailer in Italy who, in addition to sales, also provides training for the first field...

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The LIFE Olivares Vivos + project has reached the heart of its most central and delicate phase. To best define the actions for 2025, the partners gathered in Tuscany to agree on the next steps to be activated during the year. D.R.E.Am. Italia, as the partner...

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Registrations open for the 3rd edition of ShepherdSchool, the school for shepherds and breeders under the LIFE ShepForBio project

Registrations open for the 3rd edition of ShepherdSchool, the school for shepherds and breeders under the LIFE ShepForBio project

ShepherdSchool, the School for Shepherds and Breeders under the LIFE ShepForBio project, is ready to welcome new aspiring shepherds and breeders. The 2025 edition marks the third year of this initiative, with 8 spots available. The program begins on April 4. The...

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Legacoop Toscana and Dream: Rural Development and Agricultural Innovation for the Future of Tuscany

Legacoop Toscana and Dream: Rural Development and Agricultural Innovation for the Future of Tuscany

Monday, October 21 at 2:00 PM at "Le Chiantigiane", via Michelangelo 15 in Barberino Tavernelle (FI), an important informational event titled “Complement for Rural Development: Tools and Projects for the Future” will take place.Promoted by Legacoop Toscana – Agro-Food...

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LifeForOil: a project bringing innovation to oil production in Tuscany

LifeForOil: a project bringing innovation to oil production in Tuscany

LifeForOil: a project bringing innovation to oil production in Tuscany The professionals from Dream are consultants for the project, which will be presented on October 2nd in San Casciano Val di Pesa. We have reached the final event of the "LIFEFOROIL" project, a set...

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Apply bioeconomy practices in farming: discover the new RELIEF e-learning platform

Apply bioeconomy practices in farming: discover the new RELIEF e-learning platform

Apply bioeconomy practices in farming: discover the new RELIEF e-learning platform As the agricultural sector faces unprecedented challenges and the push towards a green transition intensifies, upgrading skills and knowledge is more crucial than ever. In response to...

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The General Assembly Approves the 2023 Financial Statements

The General Assembly Approves the 2023 Financial Statements

D.R.E.Am. Italy closes its 2023 budget with surprising results that President Lilia Orlandi presented last May 24, 2024 at the General Assembly of Members. Revenues have increased by +27% in the last three fiscal years, with +11% between 2022 and 2023, a year in which...

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Workshop “Bioeconomy in Agriculture” Scheduled for May 23 in Pratovecchio-Stia

Workshop “Bioeconomy in Agriculture” Scheduled for May 23 in Pratovecchio-Stia

To mark the Sixth Bioeconomy Day, on May 23, 2024 D.R.E.Am. Italia, in collaboration with UNIFI and CESIE, is promoting an event on "Bioeconomy in Agriculture." The event is framed within the plan of activities foreseen by the European project RELIEF, which aims to...

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D.R.E.Am. among the speakers at the National event “Integrated management of wild boar in emergency P.S.A.” in Reggio Calabria.”

D.R.E.Am. among the speakers at the National event “Integrated management of wild boar in emergency P.S.A.” in Reggio Calabria.”

On February 23rd and 24th, 2024, D.R.E.Am. Italia participated in the national conference "Integrated Management of Wild Boar in Emergency P.S.A.", held in Reggio Calabria. The event was organized by the Territorial Hunting Authority RC1 with the sponsorship of the...

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Presentation of the “MiSalVi Management of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Soil Health in Vineyards” Project: First Public Event with Tasting Held in Pistoia

Presentation of the “MiSalVi Management of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Soil Health in Vineyards” Project: First Public Event with Tasting Held in Pistoia

The first public meeting of the "MiSalVi MiSalVi Gestione dei funghi micorrizici e salute del suolo nei vigneti (Management of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Soil Health in Vineyards) project, funded by the Rural Development Plan 2014-2022 of the Tuscany Region, took place on...

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Conclusive Event of the GO PABLO Project in Carlantino (FG)

Conclusive Event of the GO PABLO Project in Carlantino (FG)

On Thursday, February 22nd, D.R.E.Am. Italia was present in Carlantino, in the province of Foggia, for the concluding event of the "P.A.B.L.O. - Environmental and Woodland Planning of Lake Occhito" project, funded by the 2014-2020 PSR of the Puglia Region. Several...

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