From 19 to 22 February D.R.E.Am. Italy flew to Jyvaskyla, Finland, to participate in the Interreg EU project “NACAO – Nature based carbon offsets” meeting.

Several partners and stakeholders of NACAO attended the event to share experiences on the compensation of CO2 emissions through interventions on the territory. Various initiatives were discussed, including the restoration of the River Nida in Poland, forest management methods in Finland to obtain carbon credits, the reduction of emissions during major events in the Andalusian region in Spain and the Biodiversity offsets that the city of Jyväskylä is trying to integrate into its land-use plan with the support of the University of Jyväskylä. Other shared topics were the construction of Ponds and the installation of km of hedges in the Rhône-Alpes region in France and the precision agriculture promoted by the Finnish research centre Jamk Institute of Bioeconomy in Jyväskylä.

D.R.E.Am. Italy was invited as a partner of the “GO CO2 SFoMa Marche” project, identified by the NACAO team as good practice in Sustainable Forest Management. This project has allowed the storage of CO2 and the generation of Sustainability Credits obtained from 9,802 hectares of forest certified according to PEFC standards under management at SAF Marche, SAF Monti Azzurri, SAF Tronto, and Azienda del Catria.

For more information go to the project page GO CO2 SFoMa Marche