Planning Forestry
and Wildlife

Forestry and Wildlife Planning was among the first company sectors and to this day constitutes the core of environmental activities. Starting with the first Forest Management Plans, the area has developed experience and knowledge of high technical and scientific value in the fields of Forest Ecology, Silviculture and Management.

In recent years, it has developed procedures and applications in the fields of Land Requalification and Hydraulic Forestry, Naturalistic Qualification, Environmental Monitoring, Biomass and Alternative Energy from Renewable Sources. Particular importance is also being given to Forest and Environmental Certification and the valorisation of Ecosystem Services.

For over 30 years, D.R.E.Am. has been involved in wildlife management through wildlife monitoring, eco-ethology studies, projects for the management of protected areas and wildlife institutes, damage prevention and population control, and environmental indicators.


Consultancy for owners
and forest managers

Forestry plans
and pastoral plans

Forest inventories
and thematic mapping

Forest Certification
and Environmental

Forest resource development


Forest Certification
and Biodiversity

Studies on ecosystem services

Studies and research on forestry supply chains

Hunting software management


Hunting activity


Control Plans
of populations

Wildlife damage

Wildlife planning


Dr. Marco Perrino
Head of Area Forest, Fauna and Environmental Services

D.R.E.Am. Italia is an official dealer of Pig Brig traps