D.R.E.Am. Italy becomes an authorised dealer of PigBrig traps

D.R.E.Am. Italy becomes an authorised dealer of PigBrig traps

PigBrig is the simplest and most effective wild boar trapping system developed to date. Made in the USA, it is now also accessible in Italy thanks to D.R.E.Am, the sole authorised retailer in Italy who, in addition to sales, also provides training for the first field...
ShepForBio project’s School of Shepherding kicks off

ShepForBio project’s School of Shepherding kicks off

On Saturday 22 April at 12 noon at the Officine Capodarno premises in Stia (AR), at the same time with the starting of lessons for the Shepherd School, a press conference will be held to present the course in the presence of the 8 candidates from all over Italy,...