Registration is now open for the Shepherds and Breeders School of the LIFE Shepforbio project, a project coordinated by DREAm Italia – European Projects. Activities will begin in April at the Officine Capodarno Training Centre with theoretical lessons (12 modules with annexed field trips are planned) and will then continue with 30 days of internships in livestock farms in the Casentino Forest National Park area. Four training cycles will be carried out under the project, straddling the years 2023 – 2027. The theoretical lessons will be held on weekends, including some Fridays, to give those who are currently employed elsewhere the opportunity to participate. The courses will be held by lecturers, researchers and experts belonging to the project partners (DAGRI UNIFI, DREAm Italia – European Projects, Parco Nazionale Foreste Casentinesi, Regione Toscana) together with the collaborating associations of the project: DifesAttiva, Slow Food Italia, APPIA – Rete della Pastorizia Italiana.

Find out more on the project website