On Thursday, June 22 at 3.30 pm, the LIFE GoProFor project will be presented at an online “learning session” organized within the United Nations Decade by the FAO Task Force on Good Practices.

The event will explore several platforms dedicated to documenting and disseminating good practices on ecosystem restoration, as defined by the UN Decade: in addition to the LIFE GoProFor portal, the FERM register, Panorama Solutions, and WOCAT will be presented.

In addition, the session will introduce a user-friendly search engine developed by the UN Decade Task Force on best practices in order to facilitate access to this knowledge.


For more info and registration: https:///www.decadeonrestoration.org/events/collecting-and-disseminateng-good-practices-ecosystem-restoration

To know more about LIFE GoProFor: www.lifegoprofor.eu/it